Start a Human Rights Club
Congratulations on setting up your Human Rights Club!
In a separate email you will receive a list of students who volunteered to be part of the club. Please excuse any typos or errors as we got this information from the handwritten surveys.
To get things started please answer the following questions:
First Name
Last Name
Are you going to be the faculty sponsor for the Human Rights Club? If not, or if there is a co-sponsor, please list the name(s), email(s) and phone number(s) for anyone who will be in charge:
Is it ok if we contact the kids on the list we'll be emailing directly (we may need help confirming email addresses)? If not, may we send information to you to forward to that specific group of kids?
We are planning on sending weekly updates and suggestions of topics the club can participate in. Would you like that to go to only you? To you and the kids? To anyone else?
Youth for Human Rights, our partner in this effort, has an annual summit at the United Nations in New York City. Kids travel from all over the world to participate. Would you like more info about this so that some or all of your Human Rights Club members might attend?
You should have received a Youth for Human Rights banner when we visited the school. This banner can be used during club activities, for photos, and to foster a sense of the group.
We will also be sending a set of 6 T-shirts along to you to use as prizes or rewards for the kids who are the most active in the group. Please let us know which youth sizes you'd prefer for these 6 shirts:
We encourage all club leaders to review the Youth For Human Rights Educator Kit with the full human rights curriculum. If you need an additional copy of this kit please let us know and we will have it sent to you right away.
Thank you very much for your help getting this Human Rights Club started! We’re excited to work with you and make this fun and interesting for you and the kids!
Thank you! You'll hear back from us shortly.